Philosophy – Foundations and Applications
Berlin, 11.-14.9.2006
The Sixth International Conference organized by the German Society for Analytic Philosophy (GAP) will take place in Berlin (Germany), September 11-14, 2006. Co-hosted by the Department of Philosophy of the Free University Berlin, the conference will provide the opportunity for contribution and debate on a wide variety of topics within analytic philosophy.
The core program of GAP.6 will pivot on the relationship between foundational research and application-oriented research both in philosophy and the sciences(-cum-humanities).
Apart from plenary lectures and colloquia, there will as usual be sections covering all main areas of analytic philosophy. The Society invites contributions to the sections (see Call for Papers).
After the conference, there will be five satellite workshops: "Models of Preference Change" (organized by Till Grüne-Yanoff und Sven Ove Hansson), "Rudolf Carnap" (organized by Steve Awodey and Bernd Buldt), "Towards a New Epistemology of Mathematics" (organized by Bernd Buldt, Benedikt Löwe, and Thomas Müller), "Implicit Definitions and A Priori Knowledge" (organized by Thomas Grundmann and Nikola Kompa) and “Physicalism and Beyond” (organized by Vera Hoffmann and Achim Stephan). Information concerning these workshops will be announced separately by the respective organizers.
From September 14 to September 17, the University of Potsdam will host the satelite conference "Antecedents of Action - Reasons, Decisions, Intentions, and Will" (organized by Ralf Stoecker and Thomas Spitzley).
At the GAP.6 conference, the Wolfgang-Stegmüller-award and the ontos-award for the advancement of ontological and metaphysical research will be awarded.
The Organizers
Holm Tetens, Ansgar Beckermann, Sven Walter and the managing board of GAP.